Entries by Garrett

In position to go for the summit!

The Madison Mountaineering Mount Vinson expedition team has settled into their high camp and is in position to make their summit push! The team enjoyed sunny skies as they climbed fixed lines up steep slopes on their way into camp. Now cozied up into their sleeping bags with full bellies after a nice dinner, the […]

Update from Low Camp

The Madison Mountaineering Mount Vinson expedition team is in low camp with plans to continue up the mountain soon! We hunkered down for a few days to stay out of some high winds, but the weather has improved. The forecast for the next few days is looking good, the team is feeling strong, excited, and […]

Ready to fly!

The Madison Mountaineering Mount Vinson expedition team is packed and ready to go! In just a short time, they’ll be boarding another plane. This time en route to Union Glacier Camp in Antarctica! So much time, preparation, and training has gone into getting here and the team is psyched to finally be flying onto the […]

Good to be back on Carstensz Pyramid!

We are thrilled to have been back on Carstensz Pyramid after a five-year hiatus due to the mountains closure! The Madison Mountaineering Carstensz Pyramid expedition team successfully reached the summit on October 27th at 9:00 AM local time with all members reaching the top. It was the perfect way to return to the mountain and […]

Check in from the Ama Dablam team!

Safely back in base camp, the Madison Mountaineering Ama Dablam expedition team spent the day re-introducing themselves to the luxuries of life off of the mountain! After a great day successfully reaching the summit on the day prior, the team relaxed, celebrated, and began getting prepared to make their way back down the valley. Expedition […]

Ama Dablam Summits!

It comes with great excitement to share that at 7:36 AM local time on November 7, the Madison Mountaineering Ama Dablam expedition team successfully reached the summit! The team left their tents at Camp 2 and climbed through the night, navigating technical terrain under starry skies. In the morning hours, the sun began to come […]

In position to go for the summit!

The Madison Mountaineering Ama Dablam expedition team is in position to make a push for the summit from Camp 2! While climbing up from Camp 1, the team had great weather and moved smoothly between the two camps along the southwest ridge. In just a short time, the team will get an alpine start and […]

The summit rotation on Ama Dablam has started!

The Madison Mountaineering Ama Dablam expedition team has started their summit rotation! After several days of rest and relaxation, we’ve shouldered our packs and left the comforts of our base camp. With good weather ahead, we plan to continue climbing up the mountain, with hopes of standing on the summit in just a few days […]

First rotation complete!

The Madison Mountaineering Ama Dablam expedition team is safely back in base camp after completing the first rotation on the mountain! Weather has continued to be excellent so far, offering the team beautiful views and climbing conditions as they climbed their way up the mountain. With some rest and recovery ahead, we’ll begin to prepare […]

Training and Puja Day!

The Madison Mountaineering Ama Dablam expedition team had a busy day in base camp as they prepare for their first rotation! After awaking to sunny skies, the team conducted their pre-climb puja ceremony to ask the mountain for safe passage before heading up. Following the ceremony, the team went out into the field for technical […]