Makalu Route Change
We had a great time the last few days up at our advanced base camp on the South East Ridge. Great views of the surrounding peaks and fun climbing on the ridge line! We are now enjoying a rest day in base camp, with hot showers and great food!
We have decided to change our climbing route to the Northwest side of the mountain or what is the normal route via the Makalu La. This means we will move our base camp tomorrow up the Barun Glacier about 2500′ higher than our current camp, to approximately 18,500′ (5639m). We are looking forward to exploring this side of the mountain as we have not yet seen it from this angle. It’s great that our climbing permit allows us to climb on both sides.
We are doing well, the days are typically sunny and clear in the morning with clouds and some snow in the afternoon / evening.
We will check in again soon!
Garrett Madison
Great plan. Summit is viable from the NW and has the greatest success rate. Good weather ahead………Namaste Madison Mountaineering Team 🙂